
Troop 77 typically camps monthly, year around. Please download and print relevant camping preparation materials and fact sheets.

Camping is a very important part of Troop activities. For every camp out one scout and one adult are in charge of organizing the trip. A parent permission form, that is unique to that camp, out must be signed by a parent if the scout is to attend. It is best if it is signed and returned to the adult in charge of the camp out at the Tuesday meeting before the campout. On the Tuesday meeting before the camp out all boys under first-class must have their pack fully packed and inspected at that meeting. It is important that every scout arrives on time, in full class A uniform with their pack, and all gear that they were responsible to bring on the day of the campout. This is often a tent to share, stoves, food or other equipment that their patrol is counting on being brought by that scout. A form-up will be called and all the boys will be quiet and form into their patrols. We will check on tent partners (also buddies for the camp out) and count off to know we have everyone we planned on and then dispersed the boys to the cars. Each driver will be given the permission slip for the boys in her or his car.

Some of the regular campouts we do every year:Â